150 Years Linde - An Anniversary.

1865 |
The new building of the inn was built by Anton Fahrenschon and his wife Marianne, thus creating a coherent townscape as far as the Günzburg - Ichenhausen road. The Chronicle reports that after the erection of the roof truss, a strong gust of wind broke the attic and had to be erected a second time. After the completion of the building, the restaurant was opened immediately. Since a linden had been planted on the open space at the entrance of the village a year earlier, the inn was named "Zur Linde". After just a few years, the couple Fahrenschon sold the inn to Johann Grimbacher, who lived as a blacksmith in Deffingen. |
1879 |
He died and his son took over the estate. |
1883 |
Was the "Linde" due to the unexpected death of Mr. Grimbacher jun. sold to the police sergeant Nikolaus Stocker from Günzburg. |
1904 |
Another change of ownership took place. Albert Beck from Schneckenhofen bought the restaurant. |
1912 |
Albert Beck dies, and his widow Barbara Beck continued to run the business with her children alone. |
1936 |
The eldest son Josef married the peasant daughter Theodora Kollmann from Hochwang and took over his inheritance. The construction of the motorway Munich - Stuttgart brought increasing tourism for the enterprise. The 2nd World War prevented, however, the plans for a necessary extension of the restaurant enterprise. Only a few years after the war, some formerly agricultural areas could be rebuilt. |
1964 |
Josef Beck died and took over his son Josef Beck jun. the parental restaurant business then Johanna Keppeler from Eppishausen (Allgäu) married. A few years after the marriage, Josef Beck Jr. died deadly. His wife kept the "Linde" and later leased the business. |
1970 |
Johanna Beck married Benno Lutzenberger from Günzburg. The restaurant "Zur Linde" remains leased. |
2000 |
Due to the death of both parents the son Elmar Lutzenberger took over the business in 2000, emerged from the estate of the property. In 2005 he decided to demolish the old restaurant building and to build a beautiful country inn in the Bavarian - Swabian style at the same place. |
2006 |
In December 2006, the new Linde was then reopened with various restaurant areas and a conference and seminar section. |
2014 |
Elmar Lutzenberger let the traditional "tribe" of Linde "outgrow" a new "branch" in the form of a four-star hotel new building. Since then, 26 comfortable rooms, a wellness and spa area and new rooms for conferences and festivities of all kinds are available to guests from near and far. |